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Lilypie3rd Birthday Ticker Daniel & Chavi's Stuff Daniel & Chavi's Stuff: Elish doesn't play fair !

A place to see Baby Elish's pics

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Elish doesn't play fair !

Another gratuitous display of Baby Elish abusing his "big sister." Hopefully he will get it back in spades when he has a younger sister that annoys him.

Happy Pesach!


Blogger Chavelamomela said...

Mindy, thanks for the questions.

Actually, we are not afraid of Leba hurting Elish. We're more fearful of Elish hurting Leba!
When Elish steals her toys, she actually has given up, because she's afraid of hurting him. But as soon as Elish lets go...Leba's there to take her toy back.

Germs: Actually, dogs have less germs in their mouths than kids do on their hands! Studies have shown that kids who grow up with animals are more resistant to illness, less likely to develop alergies, and healthier in general. Plus, the experience of growing up with a dog is an experience that a child never forgets.

Elish is having his first experience with jealousy. He'll have to learn to share.

12:57 PM

Blogger Also A Chussid said...

That was really cute.

I wish I could have a dog. Sigh… such is life as a chussid.

May you see lots of naches from elish and lippa ;o)

8:27 AM


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