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Lilypie3rd Birthday Ticker Daniel & Chavi's Stuff Daniel & Chavi's Stuff: December 2005

A place to see Baby Elish's pics

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

our architect is a genius

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Absentee Parenting

Shabbat is over and we have lots of work to do. We plopped Elish in front of a DVD that teaches sign language. (click here to see more info about baby sign language) The woman who stars on the video learned to sign because her daughter was born deaf. See the website for the whole story.

So far Elish has not learned any signs. It has only been a week or two. He likes the multi-sensory approach of the educators, or so it says on their website. Its cute with babies and other animals. Leba has her place on the floor next to her younger brother.

Shavuah Tov! A good week to all

Friday, December 16, 2005

"Holiday" Party 2005

Last night we had our anual office party. The first picture was an accident candid shot. In order to get the real picture I figured out how to do the timer on my digital camera while balancing it on a bottle of Grey Goose on top of a bottle of Tequilla.

Happy Holidays !

Monday, December 12, 2005

Changes Coming....

The pictures we post here of Elish are about to change dramatically...He's cutting his first tooth!

We'll post a picture as soon as the tooth arrives!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

too cute!

After a bath we decided, he really needs a robe. We must have gotten 3 baby robes (why?) Now we know, babies are adorable in bath robes.

Yesterday, Chavi was out running some YU event and I was home babysitting. On Wednesday night, our synagogue has a learning program. My Chavrusa (study Partner ) came over to the house for our session. For an hour, we discussed the philosphical implications arising from the Biblical narrative describing the creation of Man, with about 10 minutes of nonsense schmoozing. Rob has 3 daughter vying to babysit Elish. We think by next year Rena will be ready.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

New Elish Stuff

Elish is a lot bigger since his last bath picture (see it here)

Cousin Dora visited and brought Elish some wonderful hardcover books that he can't rip)

Elish with Abba, Cousins Sora and Sol.

New Video is loaded on Google Video.

Click here and search "Elish Eisenberg" and enjoy.

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