Welcome to bureaucracy

So this morning we went to the Israeli Consulate to sign some papers for our house purchase. This should have been a simple, in-and-out procedure.
Of course, it never is! It was more like a comedy of errors.
First, we almost missed our train into the city, and had to run like Bats out of H*ll to make it - all while carrying a baby.
We B"H made it to the train, but realized we forgot to buy the tickets. Daniel tried to "shmooze" the ticket collector on the train to not charge us the $10 penalty for buying on the train, but it didn't work. D'oh! (Daniel's note- Ussually I am pretty good, I even read the book)
We arrived at the consulate when it just opened, so we hoped this would not take long. Before we could enter the consulate offices, we had to pass through the metal detectors. Daniel shmoozed the security guards to let me in ahead of the line, since I needed to feed the baby and couldn't wait much longer. (Daniel's Note - I told you I was good. Not mentioned was in two words I avoided the security inquisition as well) Daniel passed through security without a problem. Then it was my turn...
I passed through the metal detector. The metal detector beeped. I removed my watch. It beeped again. I removed my necklace. It beeped again. I told the security guards about my metal hair clips under my hat. They needed to do a body s

I fed the baby while Daniel waited on another line, and then it was our turn. We approached the window and showed the '

We spent the next half-hour on the phone, trying to reach our attorney, but to no avail. We could not reach him and so we left, unsuccesful in our mission.
Oh well...I guess this is what we have to look forward to!
Chav, its great how you jumped right into this blogging thing. Some things you just can't shmooze out of.
Sorry you had a difficult morning.
2:00 PM
Shevy, thanks for your sympathy.
I am trying to 'spice' up the blog with the cartoons - otherwise, the posts can sometimes be rather boring!
2:39 PM
Question #1: Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.
Question #2: What is your typical way of dealing in conflict with your spouse?
Question #3: If you were on a desert island, which 3 books would you want to have?
Question #4: What would you say is your parenting policy on disciplining children.
and now, the final question: What are your ambitions regarding your career?
7:38 PM
There you make all the efforts to get everything done, and they give you such a hard time.
Last time at JFK, my wife had to remove her Shaitel because that fat, ugly, mean lady wouldn't let us trough.
A minute later and she would’ve caused us to miss our transit.
Daniel- Some people would fine their own mother (whom they love), there's no book in the world that will help bargaining with these types.
4:12 AM
Me, we are making aliyah in 5 years. We bought a house (well, it's being built now) and we're working hard here so we won't have a crippling mortgage when we go.
10:28 AM
Shevy, give me some time, and I will get these questions answered for all to see. Thanks for giving me some thought provoking ones!
10:30 AM
Pragmatician - I have traveled in both Hat and Sheytel, and find that it makes no difference when passing through security. I guess you got the bad luck of the draw and had a mean TSA agent. I usually just tell them about my clips, say I am wearing a wig , and offer a female agent that she can feel them through the hat or sheytel. That usually does the trick. This was the first time I had been patted down!
10:32 AM
where r u buying? u gotta beware. be very ware.
12:44 PM
Anonymous - we're buying in a lovely community 10 minutes from Jerusalem.
As someone who worked in the Aliyah 'business' for many years (Just Google my name), I am very knowledgable about where to live and how to avoid getting taken for a ride...
BH, we love this community and knew that when this project came along that it was a chance of a lifetime.
4:15 PM
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