Our Future Machatunim
Our good friends, Mindy and Dovid just had a baby girl Avigayil Yael / Abbey who is just perfect for Elish. Her personality is a perfect blend of the sharp dry humor of her father coupled with the compassion and dedication of her mother. While Elish has shown much interest in Abbey, she has yet to express her feelings. Maybe she is concerned that she has more hair than Elish.
I'll try to post the picture of Chavi and mindy breaking the plate together.
There is a wedding document that basically states that due to the expenses involved with planning a wedding, if one side backs out they have to cover the losses. The deal is sealed by the mothers in law (machatunim) breaking a plate togethter. I think the reason is that just as a broken plate there is no recourse so to this contract if violated offers no recourse.
11:01 AM
not yet, we have to wait till they discover true love on their own.
11:05 PM
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